Second Annual A Night With Haddis

 “A Night With Haddis”



We are filled with gratitude for the support we received at our second annual “A Night With Haddis” event!

A special “thank you” to Field’s BMW in Winter Park for donating the amazing venue.

This venue tripled our capacity and provided a beautiful atmosphere for our celebration.

We were thrilled to have our Country Director, Misikir Genene, with us this year.

It is always great to hear his first hand accounts of the many ways that Haddis sponsors and supporters are impacting the lives of the children and families in Ethiopia.

All 20 of our waiting kids were sponsored!  If you missed out and would like the opportunity to sponsor, we are currently adding 20 more kids so stay tuned!

Our event team raised the bar this year with amazing silent auction items including delicious restaurants, fabulous services, exciting trips and beautiful fair trade items from Ethiopia.  

Emcee, Brian Shields rallied the crowd for our live auction, helping to bring our fundraising total to $75,000!

So many people showed that they have A HEART FOR HADDIS including our very talented photography/videography duo Courtney and Brad and our team of volunteers.                  

Fun was had by all and we look forward to joining together again next year to continue the work of Haddis Ministries. Look for save the date info coming early next year.

Ways to get involved:

Sponsor A Child-check our website at for newly added children-COMING SOON.

Build A High School-Our biggest need right now is for individual and corporate sponsors to help us achieve our dream of building Haddis High School in Gondar-email us today at for details.


I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. Psalm 9:1
