Visiting Ethiopia is good for the soul. The joy that fills our hearts when we are there, the hardship that we witness and the stories of redemption motivate us to continue to press forward, to continue to advocate and spread the word about what God is doing through Haddis Ministries.
Our February trip was no exception!
The main purpose of our trips is relationship building, both with our partners and with our kids.
A highlight of the trip was our visit to a special needs school in Addis that started with one child in 1986 and has served hundreds of special needs kids from infancy through adulthood. It is an amazing model that uses the Montessori method of teaching along with physical therapy interventions in the early years and continues to include vocational training and practical life skills as the children approach adulthood.
It is our dream to duplicate this model in Gondar and we are hopeful that we will be able to launch similar classrooms for the fall semester this year.
We had three Haddis first timers.
Here are a few words from some of or travelers:
“Can never thank you enough for bringing me along with you on this trip. It was an experience I didn’t even have on my bucket list, but should have.” -Van
“One of the best trips of my life! If you support Haddis in any way #1 thank you and #2 I can say without a doubt this is one of the most important and impactful trips you can go on in your lifetime..” – Carl